

EFT (Emotional freedom technique), which people often refer to as EFT tapping, is an alternative therapy for anxiety, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), and some other conditions.



EFT (Emotional freedom technique), which people often refer to as EFT tapping, is an alternative therapy for anxiety, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), and some other conditions.

Take Control of Your Life, Emotions & Mental Health

The power of EFT (emotional freedom technique) is vastly underestimated  by many. This amazing psychological model not only brings immediate relief from strong emotions but also makes physical changes in the brain. This means, when used in conjunction with a therapeutic approach, we can literally change our mind.

Using EFT with my guidance in session has an instant and amazing affect, releasing supressed emotions and creating postive change in the mind.  This researched and proven technique is known to help with many mental and emotional issues including pain relief, weight loss, trauma, anxiety, addiction and much more.

The power of EFT (emotional freedom technique) is vastly underestimated  by many. This amazing psychological model not only brings immediate relief from strong emotions but also makes physical changes in the brain. This means, when used in conjunction with a therapeutic approach, we can literally change our mind.

I love teaching my clients how to use EFT effectively so they can use this super fast, super effective technique in between sessions; working this way means faster changes as we’d be interrupting the pattern (our issue) which has formed and is entrenched in our neural pathways in the brain.
Using EFT properly has so many positive benefits *immediate relief

  • feel calmer quickly
  • lower the intensity of / extinguish potent negative emotions quickly
  • works for everyone
  • speedy (actual) physical pain relief
  • releases trapped/suppressed emotions

When used by a trained professional, EFT is a really effective therapy for PTSD, panic attacks and phobias. There has been a lot of research in recent years and there’s absolute proof of the efficacy of EFT in therapy.

For further information on the research and evidence please follow this link