
Dating Disasters

Sometimes, even when you sense that someone isn’t right for you, you can’t help but fall for them anyway. Other times, you might believe you’ve found your ideal match, only to be disappointed when they reveal a different side of themselves. If you find yourself repeatedly drawn to the wrong people, there may be deeper issues that need to be explored. No matter your situation, you can learn to break the pattern and stop falling for those who aren’t truly right for you.


Dating Disasters

Sometimes, even when you sense that someone isn’t right for you, you can’t help but fall for them anyway. Other times, you might believe you’ve found your ideal match, only to be disappointed when they reveal a different side of themselves. If you find yourself repeatedly drawn to the wrong people, there may be deeper issues that need to be explored. No matter your situation, you can learn to break the pattern and stop falling for those who aren’t truly right for you.

Are you finding dating and relationships increasingly difficult to manage?

If you find yourself stuck in recurring dating or relationship patterns, it could be a sign of deeper emotional or psychological issues affecting your love life. These challenges often stem from unresolved past traumas or difficulties in forming healthy connections. My specialised therapy approach offers a safe, supportive space to explore these underlying issues, helping you uncover and address the root causes of relationship struggles. Together, we will identify and reframe limiting beliefs, heal past wounds, and understand how they shape your current dating experiences. With this newfound clarity, you’ll be empowered to seek a partner who is truly right for you. You’ll focus on building a secure, loving, and respectful relationship, free from fear and old patterns

Additionally, therapy can be instrumental in helping you understand why you may be consistently choosing the wrong partners. Through a deeper exploration of your relationship history and personal experiences, a therapist can help you uncover underlying issues that influence your partner selection process. By addressing these issues, therapy supports you in recognising and breaking unhealthy patterns, allowing you to make more informed and fulfilling relationship choices. Ultimately, therapy empowers you to create and maintain relationships that align with your values and needs, fostering greater satisfaction and emotional well-being.

Here’s what we will explore and use as the unpinning formula for change in your dating approach

  • unmet needs
  • mismatched values
  • incompatible personality types
  • different life goals
  • your subconsciously held limiting beliefs
  • learnt behaviours
  • unresolved childhood traumas that have left you believing, at a deep level, you are unlovable

Our therapy goals include:

  • Gaining true confidence in your relationship goals
  • Deepening your self-understanding and learning to genuinely love yourself
  • Discovering your personality type’s needs for a lasting, fulfilling relationship
  • Recognising what a healthy, non-toxic relationship looks and feels like
  • Learning how to navigate and balance differences in personality and life goals through change, compromise, and acceptance


“Barbara came highly recommended to me by a friend who had recently worked with her. I can’t thank Barbara enough for her help, support and guidance throughout our sessions. She really helped me to see things in a different way, and helped me to heal some past wounds and childhood traumas that I had been struggling with, which had been impacting my life and relationships within it.

Barbara has such a nurturing energy, so I found it easy to confide in her as I felt that I was in a safe space”